Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Wen-Shin Lee and Annie Cuyt (University of Antwerp, Belgium) visited from Monday June 3rd to Friday June 7th in the context of the TOURNESOL project.

Visits to International Teams

Evelyne Hubert was invited to La Trobe university for the whole month of January to carry on a collaboration with Peter van der Kamp on geometric curve flows and their integrability.

Evelyne Hubert and Bernard Mourrain were invited to the Institute of Mathematical Science at the National University of Singapore to participate to the 2 month long program Inverse Moment Problems: the Crossroads of Analysis, Algebra, Discrete Geometry and Combinatorics.

Evelyne Hubert and Bernard Mourrain visited Wen-Shin Lee and Annie Cuyt (University of Antwerp, Belgium) on November 20-21 in the context of the TOURNESOL project.